Atlanta ranked No 7 of most sinful cities


For a time of peace and goodwill toward our fellow people, we sure do enjoy a lot of “sins” dTo determine 2021′s most sinful cities in America, the financial website WalletHub compared 182 cities — including the 150 most populated in the United States, plus at least two of the most populated in each state — across seven key dimensions: anger and hatred, jealousy, excesses and vices, greed, lust, vanity and laziness.

It then examined those dimensions using 37 relevant metrics, each graded on a 100 point scale, with a score of 100 representing the highest level of sinfulness.

When the points were tallied, Las Vegas retained its title of “Sin City,” with a score of 60.98.

Las Vegas was followed by St. Louis, Houston, Los Angeles and Denver, in that order.

Atlanta finished No. 7 overall, with a score of 49.22.

The good news about our city is we ranked middle of the pack for excesses and vices at No. 85, and were No. 179 out of 182 for greed. Our lack of greed seems to be a Georgia thing, because the state’s other two cities, Augusta and Columbus, finished right behind us at No. 180 and No. 181, respetively.

The bad news is we’re jealous (fourth) and vain (ninth). Atlanta finished No. 35 for anger and hatred, and No. 63 for laziness.

And we ranked No. 5 nationwide for lust.

In addition, we tied with Las Vegas; Portland, Oregon; and Tampa for the most adult entertainment establishments per capita.


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